


I know what I want for xmas!

Nokia is about to release an Internet tablet that uses the BusyBox Linux Distribution

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Programmer's Poem

Sorry to post something unoriginal… But while writing some code at work, I was reminded of this poem that I first read probably 6 or 7 years ago that has always been really funny to me. I wanted to post it here so I wouldn’t forget it again.

programmer’s poem

Authors: Fred Bremmer and Steve Kroese

!*”# ^@`$$- *!’$_ %*#4 &)../ {~|**SYSTEM HALTED

waka waka bang splat tick tick hash carat at back-tick dollar dollar dash splat bang tick dollar underscore percent splat waka waka number four ampersand right-paren dot dot slash curly bracket tilde pipe splat splat crash

Found via google at: [ wu :: 1447(poetry) ]

Note that

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Nokia 6230 as an Mp3 Player

Note: This post is a draft. It will be modified with more content and details as Eric & I find time to enhance this post.

Cingular’s iTunes phone? Ha… its $149 with a 2 year agreement. I’ve been with Cingular 10 months and already can’t stand them. My Nokia 6230 was free after rebates with a 1 year agreement. The ROKR has a 512MB memory card, yet is software-restricted to 100 audio tracks. As of this writing, I have a 2GB memory card in my 6230 with 270 songs. Although the user interface on the 6230 isn’t elegent with this many tracks, it serves its purpose for me quite well.

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FreeBSD Parallel Port interface

Interfacing the parallel port with FreeBSD to switch a relay (or 254).

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